I may be more than a little biased, this little guy is my nephew! And he’s not a little guy, by the way, he was born at 11lbs, 8oz…big babies run in the family. But he was definitely one of the easiest babies I’ve photographed, he slept really well and was really curly even with his size!
He’s so talented, holding the pose.
I got some new hats recently that I was eager to use, but that head was almost too big for them! Crazy.
Just laid back….Mr. Relaxed!
I snuck a quick snap of grandma…..I love this!
So lucky to catch this little grin.
Proud papa:
And the new family!
I know I have a penchant for black and whites for newborn work, but I’ll throw in a few in color.
Snuggles with mama, could he look more contented?
While my sister was pregnant, I looked at them in a new light, thinking about their newborn photos. I knew I would love my brother-in-law’s hands in this photo…the freckles are awesome!
And who doesn’t love the fingers curled around daddy’s finger?
More to come soon, guys! Love ya!
by Jen