Such dramatic beauty in this shoot! I gasped when I saw this shot come up.
This sweet family came decked out….I LOVED their clothing!
Some of the little guy:
He really liked his watch and wanted to be sure I got it in the shot.
Oooh, I love this series of shots!
I think it’s really important to get shots of “mom and dad”….so often they really haven’t gotten any professional portraits of just them together since their wedding, but I think it’s imperative to honor their relationship too!
And my preference is definitely for more cuddly shots than formal.
Love, love, love this! Had to add some dramatic processing to enhance it!
Playtime and cuddles.
My last shot of the day….just had to illustrate how kids just run circles around us as parents….I know mine do!
Thanks for a fun afternoon, guys!
by Jen